The Valour Project
The Valour Project
Honour the fallen 228 WW2 New Plymouth Boys' High School Old Boy Servicemen, by bringing their names to the Memorial Gates.

The school, in association with the Old Boys and NZ Remembrance Army, want to honour the 228 WW2 Old Boy Servicemen who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

The Memorial Gates on Coronation Avenue currently only recognises Old Boys from WW1. The 228 WW2 servicemen are listed elsewhere in the school.

The Valour Project wants to recognise these WW2 servicemen by remembering their sacrifice in bronze alongside their WW1 Old Boys on the Memorial Gates.

Please consider giving $10 a month or making an donation through our Givealittle page.

The School thank you for your support and donation.

Aaron Lock

OBA President

Ww2 Bronze Plaques


This article was originally posted on: July, 6th 2022